During the week of February 17th, juniors had an opportunity to explore post-secondary institutions beyond the walls of Memphis Rise Academy.
On Monday and Saturday, juniors had an option to visit one of the following colleges based on an application completed in January:
Belmont University, Lipscomb University, Fisk University, Watkins College of Art, Tennessee State University and Middle Tennessee State University.
Students at Belmont, Lipscomb, Watkins, and MTSU had an opportunity to attend a full school preview day where they visited specific departments of interest and met with admissions counselors.
Juniors at TSU and Fisk explored these two HBCU campuses, learning more about these institutions’ histories and interacting with both students and professors. At Fisk, students had a chance to attend the Carl Van Vechten Art Gallery for a personalized tour of the new exhibit, Terry Adkins: Our Sons and Daughters Even on the Altar. The museum’s curatorial fellow, Jordan Wright, showed students how Adkins fused different elements of African-American history, music, and visual art in his pieces.
In addition, to traditional four-year colleges, juniors had an opportunity to apply for a tour of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Memphis in order to explore various vo-tech and trade options in the city. On Friday, February 21st, a small group of eight students visited a wide array of TCAT programs including welding, automotive technology, building construction, collision repair, barbering, and digital graphic design.
We are grateful to all of the above post-secondary institutions for accommodating our visits and providing hands on learning experiences for our students.