DuFresne English I Journal Expectations

Creativity push!Journals are a space for you to practice expressing yourself through writing. You can approach each prompt in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas if you’re running dry:Try writing a story that shows the themes in the promptWrite an interview between...

H. English I Syllabus

Unit DescriptionStudents will use their summer reading texts to refresh skills of summary and theme analysis, which students will demonstrate through a theme-focused explanatory essay.Essential QuestionHow do people overcome adversity?Materials Needed1.5” binder1...

English I Syllabus

Unit DescriptionStudents will use their summer reading texts to refresh skills of summary and theme analysis, which students will demonstrate through a theme-focused explanatory essay.Essential QuestionJHow do people overcome adversity?1.5” binder1 subject...
6th Social Studies, Unit 0 Newsletter

6th Social Studies, Unit 0 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians, My name is Madalyn Durgin, and I am the 6th grade Social Studies teacher. This year, we will be starting with a foundational unit, which will set students up to be successful this year in Social Studies. My hope is that this sheet will help...

Visual Art I Sketchbook Guide

Requirements for SketchbooksYou must complete a minimum of 1 homework assignment in your sketchbook each week due on Thursday. If your assignment is written it can be written on paper and glued into your sketchbook or written directly inside the sketchbook. Your...