Our DEIB Principles

Community Data-Driven: Our community stakeholders drive our DEIB initiatives. Therefore, we are taking steps to comprehensively understand the needs and aspirations of our students, families, teachers, and staff.

Sustainability and Developing Capacity: Our commitment to DEIB extends beyond immediate objectives; it embraces long-term sustainability. We will work towards developing strategies so students and their families reap the benefits of our program far beyond their time at Memphis Rise Academy.

Flexibility: Recognizing the distinctive nature of DEIB challenges, we will engage with our community stakeholders wherever they are while maintaining our commitment to high standards.

At Memphis Rise Academy, we promise the following:

  • We will create an inclusive educational environment where students feel valued and empowered to unleash their full potential.
  • Our educators and staff will be continuously equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to craft an equitable and inclusive educational experience.
  • We will nurture a vibrant community where individuals from all backgrounds thrive, collaborate, and celebrate their unique contributions.

Mental Health Initiative

Community Data Driven: 

Our families and staff took a survey at the start of the 2023-2024 school year to determine DEIB priorities. 56% of families and 51% of staff chose mental health/bullying as the number one priority to address for our students. 

 Sustainability and Developing Capacity

Collaborating with the MRA social workers, we developed and implemented a daily check-in system for our 6th-12th grade students. In the high school, students can check in by submitting a Google Form or paper slip that connects them to mental health resources and allows them to ask for a check-in with the HS Social Worker, Ms. Collier. In the middle school, each advisory implemented a check-in system that works best for their advisees. Examples include a daily checklist, emoji feelings chart, and whole group discussion.


Through this daily check-in system, students can express their mental well-being in a developmentally appropriate way. The check-in system also allows us to gather data to help us continue developing our mental health initiative. 

We are currently pursuing the following projects:

  • Student Climate Survey (Anti-Bullying)

  • Staff Climate Survey (Anti-Bullying)

  • External Collaborations with Memphis-based organizations