Memphis Rise Academy provides students in grades 6-12 with an excellent education, preparing them to pursue ambitious goals and succeed in college. Contributions of any size help us to make this mission possible for the students of Memphis.
- A donation of $100 can provide one student with a year’s worth of classroom supplies, allowing them to fully engage with our school’s curriculum.
- A donation of $350 can provide a laptop to a student, allowing that student access to educational opportunities which expand their preparation for success in the 21st century.
- A donation of $500 can provide a teacher with a year’s worth of classroom and office supplies, allowing them execute lessons seamlessly each day within the classroom.
- A donation of $1000 can provide over 100 books for the Memphis Rise Academy library, allowing our students to grow a love of reading that will last a lifetime.
- A donation of $5000 can provide our school with access to an external enrichment program for every student, allowing us to engage with our community partners and strengthen our students’ academic experience.
- A donation of $7500 can ensure that every teacher at Memphis Rise Academy has a laptop, allowing them unabated access to strong lesson planning, file sharing, online resources as well as the ability to infuse technology into their classrooms.
- A donation of $10,000 or more can ensure that Memphis Rise Academy is able to competitively recruit, matriculate and develop its next group of outstanding teachers, allowing our school to continue to grow the intelligence and character of our students as they move forward on their path to college.

Donations can be made to Memphis Rise Academy through checks, debit/credit cards, or cash. If you would like to know more about making a donation to our school, please contact Gus Connelly at
At this time, checks made out to Memphis Rise Academy and mailed to 5221 Raleigh Lagrange Rd, Memphis, TN, 38134, are the most convenient way for our school to collect donations. You can also donate via the PayPal link below. If you would like a letter detailing your tax-exempt donation, please contact Gus Connelly at Thank you for your generosity.

In our founding stages, donations of any type will always be welcomed, including new or gently used supplies or instructional resources. Your gifts are greatly appreciated by staff, students and families.