Senior FAQs

When will our seniors be able to come back to school?

Honestly, we do not know the answer. We know we will be virtual through, at minimum, the end of Quarter 1, which is Friday, November 6. Whether we will stay in virtual indefinitely after that is unclear, but we hope to have an update on all of this right before Fall Break.

Can senior events on campus, like a senior kickoff, still occur during virtual?

As of now, group sizes are restricted by Shelby County and Shelby County Schools guidance, with the maximum allowable group size being 50 people in an outdoor setting. We hope that these restrictions can change, alongside public health guidance, to give us the option of having an indoor or outdoor event that could be large enough for all seniors and senior families, and do plan to have such an event as soon as group size limitations are lifted and it is deemed safe to do so.

What is the school doing to support senior photos (“senior heads”)?

The Senior Hub allows you to connect directly with, as of now, three sponsored photographers, including Mr. McClellan, a Memphis Rise staff member who also runs a part-time professional photography studio, for you to schedule your student’s senior pictures. If you want those pictures to be taken at school, the photographers themselves know that this is an option and we are happy to schedule with you.

Will there be a senior trip?

We 100% plan to have the seniors take a senior trip. We are circling Spring Break 2021 (March) for this trip, but, if needed, it can be pushed back to either late May/early June, or right after graduation. We are thinking through options now, but our initial considerations have been regarding trips to Atlanta, New Orleans, or Dallas/Fort Worth. Planning for this is slightly on hold due to COVID travel questions, but students and families should absolutely plan to have their voices heard in the planning for this as we get more clarity.

Where/when is graduation going to be? Will it be in the new gym?

Graduation is going to take place on Saturday, June 19! No, graduation will not take place in the Memphis Rise gym– we are looking at larger venues that seat 1500-2500 for graduation, as we are anticipating the potential need for continued group distancing at the event. Graduation invitations will be available for order through Jostens, along with caps, gowns, stoles, and, of course, class rings. More information at the Class of 2021 page listed above!

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