Click here to download a copy of the resource.

Creativity push!

Journals are a space for you to practice expressing yourself through writing. You can approach each prompt in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas if you’re running dry:

  1. Try writing a story that shows the themes in the prompt
  2. Write an interview between two people (real or fictional) who explore the ideas in the prompt
  3. If the prompt asks your opinion, try arguing for both sides
  4. Connect the ideas in the prompt to an example in real life


  1. Date (1)
  2. Full prompt (1)
  3. Relevance to topic (2)
  4. Creativity (2)
  5. 1 FULL page in length (4)

Honors: 3 full entries every week

Regular: 2 full entries a week

*Next journal due date is Friday August 23*

General Expectations

  1. Use your single subject notebook
  2. Use the English notebook JUST for English 1.
    • Not for Government. Or Spanish. Or Art. Or Geometry. Or… get the point.
    • I collect these journals, and if you use it for other classes, you will be out of luck until I finish grading them.
  3. Don’t skip pages.
    • I’m not going to hunt for your journal entries. If they’re not in the first pages, they’re not getting graded.
  4. At least put the date for a heading.
    • This will help you, and me, keep them straight.
  5. Write the FULL prompt at the VERY top of the page
    • Use the big blank space at the top.
    • Don’t start writing the prompt half way down the page and expect to get full “length” credit.

Click here to download a copy of Ms. Dufresne’s Journal Expectations.